The private high-end collection brochure

The private high-end collection brochure is designed in the manner of vintage Hi-Fi magazines from the 1960s.


I got this order from an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg whose hobby is collecting premium-class audio components. His collection contains most of the best stereo components that were produced since the 1960s untill now.

The owner decided to turn his collection into a private audio gallery (sort of a private members’ club). Part of the memorabilia was available for sale. My task was to develop a brochure for promoting this gallery among the well-off people.

As part of the working on the project, I had to develop the concept of the issue and its structure, edit the customer’s texts, select and edit the photos for the brochure and come up with a few design options.

стилизовать её дизайн под аудио журналы 60-х годов (и так показать, что коллекция прошла через десятилетия) и напечатать издание на дорогой, плотной бумаге высокого качества. Предложения были приняты.

The customer wanted the brochure to have value for his potential customers. This is why I suggested using a book format (as books tend to have value), take inspiration for its design from the 1960s Hi-Fi magazines (thus we could demonstrate that the collection has existed for a few decades) and to print it on thick expensive high-quality paper. These suggestions were accepted.

Each section of the brochure takes up a spread: a whole-page picture on the left, and a round miniature with a heading and a couple of text paragraphs on the right.

The idea of using the round miniatures was derived from the vinyl records – to emphasize that the brochure is related to the world of stereo.

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